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Erin Boje
Jun 15, 202112 min read
Preparing To Feed Your Baby - How To Decide What Feeding Method Is Right For You
As I enter into my final few weeks of this pregnancy, I'd love to share about a topic I'm pretty passionate about... All things Infant...

Erin Boje
May 28, 20217 min read
Let's Chat Positioning - Prepping Your Body And Baby For Birth
Something that has been on my mind a lot lately as I cruise through my third trimester is positioning - there is so much to learn and so...

Erin Boje
May 22, 20215 min read
My DIY Belly and Baby Butter Recipe
I wanted to share my super simple DIY body butter recipe! This was shared with me by a friend, and I modify it based on what I plan to...

Erin Boje
May 16, 20214 min read
My Current Mama Mantra
I wanted to share with you a mantra that's been getting me through my days, and that has been pretty valid for every scenario of #momlife...

Erin Boje
Apr 6, 20217 min read
My Favorite Workouts for A Healthy Pregnancy
I am writing this post after I just allowed myself to take several days of rest and a break from my workouts. I am currently 27 weeks......

Erin Boje
Apr 5, 20215 min read
My Adjustment Into Motherhood
I am taking a moment today to do a quick check-in on my mama mental health. Well not just my mama mental health but my whole being...

Erin Boje
Feb 5, 20219 min read
Let's Talk SUPPLEMENTS - Prenatal Vitamin and Supplement Support
Hey y'all! Today I want to share with you the vitamins and supplements I take during each stage of my pregnancy. Just to remind you, I am...

Erin Boje
Jan 28, 20214 min read
My Second Pregnancy Journey So Far
Hi there friends! It has been a while, but our household has been VERY busy... the last few months have flown by. Our family recently...

Erin Boje
Oct 16, 202017 min read
How to Set Yourself Up for a Positive, Empowered Birth Experience
This post is about empowered and informed childbirth, something I am SO passionate and excited about! There is so much to be said. This...

Erin Boje
Sep 24, 20205 min read
Fall Mantra
I have been really reflective as we turn the page on the summer season and enter my favorite season, Fall. The changing of the seasons...
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